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1. March 2019

Project Bees 2019

In time for the bee activities, we started work to prepare our bee colonies for the year ahead. At the invitation of our master beekeepers Daniel and Günther, 10 colleagues gathered at the HOLZMANN warehouse last Friday for the upcoming activities.

Günther showed us clearly the current bee activities on our beehives and as they are already collecting pollen diligently, it is clear to our beekeeper that now the breeding activity starts. After a short briefing in the new GLS room, we started work, well strengthened thanks to Irina's cake and Daniel's drinks. We took care of the basic frames, pulled in new wires, "welded in" auxiliary honeycombs for the structure and ensured the sterility of the boxes.

After completion of the preparatory work, we are looking forward to the upcoming bee year and hope for a lot of yield in the flower, forest and mixed honey.